What Can I Do To Help Get My Drug Charge Resolved?
The first and most important thing that you can do in order to help get your drug charge resolved is to not get re-arrested for any offense while you are out on bond for drug possession. This means avoiding new offenses like DWI, theft, and Public Intoxication; these are very important but it also means no new offenses whatsoever. Having new offenses is going to make it much more difficult for your defense attorney to help resolve charges in a favorable manner. If there is an issue that can be exploited on one of the arrests but not on the other, the prosecutor can leverage that second arrest in order to force you to make a deal on a charge that you otherwise might have been able to resolve successfully. In addition to not getting arrested there are some positive things that you can do in order to resolve your case in a favorable manner.
The first thing is to submit to the evaluation for drug classes that is, generally speaking, recommended of you as a condition of your personal bond when you are released from Travis County. Based on the evaluation, which you will have to schedule with Travis County Counseling and Education Services, they will recommend some classes for you to complete. Those classes may be somewhat helpful for people with drug dependency issues, and for others who do not have drug dependency but still are charged with drug possession, I still recommend that you complete those classes so that you have a certificate that the prosecutor can be shown by your defense attorney. It is possible that you are recommended to do more than just classes and you get recommended to complete either intensive outpatient treatment or some type of inpatient treatment.
If you get recommended for inpatient treatment, I highly recommend that you do it even though it will be a significant disruption in your life, and if you are having issues with requiring funding in order to do inpatient, talk with your attorney about the possibility of going through OSAR which is a state agency that helps provide funding for people who do not otherwise have funding in order to do drug treatment. Know that even if you don’t have the resources on your own, there are resources available for you to be able to complete these classes. In addition, your defense attorney may recommend that you complete some community service hours when you are out on bond, and that is a good general recommendation for any charge that you are out on as those certain community hours will be able to be used by your attorney in negotiation and if you are subsequently put on probation for any offense, you will get credit for any hours that you have completed.
For more information on Getting Your Drug Charge Resolved, A Free Case Evaluation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (512) 478-9898 today.

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