Does The Money Spent On An Attorney Getting Me Out Of Jail Go Towards My Representation?
When you hire an attorney to do a personal bond, most attorneys will apply the percentage of the bond that you paid on the jail release to go towards representation on the defendant’s case. This is one of the biggest benefits to hiring an attorney over a bail bondsman. A bail bondsman makes their money by managing risk and making sure that their defendants go back to court. Generally, surety bonds are for people who are higher risks, so bail bondsmen can be managing some significant risk. Attorneys, because they do not have that risk, are able to apply that money towards representation on your case.
The amount paid toward the bond will not be the total cost of representation in almost any circumstance. Also, there is no obligation for a defendant to ultimately hire the attorney who got them out of jail to represent them on their criminal case. They are still able to shop around and see which attorney, once they are out of custody, is the best fit for them. That is one of the main reasons that attorneys do apply that money towards representation; it gives the defendant added incentive to hire them.
For more information on Money Spent On Getting Out Of Jail, A Free Case Evaluation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (512) 478-9898 today.

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